#: locale=en ## Tour ### Description tour.description = The Terrace Restaurant, where we are serving country style and continental food. The wide array of International and local dishes that whip up your all you can ### Title tour.name = The Terrace Restaurant ## Skin ### Label Label_E402992F_F0E4_8B84_41E7_8E750C8848B6.text = Restaurant Label_E402A92F_F0E4_8B84_4152_FBB86910870E.text = The Terrace Label_E42D9A1E_F16C_8984_41C5_040DE5B34BAE.text = Developed by Planet 360 BD ## Media ### Title panorama_E464CC96_F0E4_8A87_41D8_848C293579DD.label = 91 panorama_E4BF0A67_F0E5_8985_41E4_E6D8F6CA9331.label = 92 panorama_E4C2590F_F0E5_8B85_41E7_AFF1D1E36800.label = 98 panorama_E4C274C3_F0E5_BAFC_41E1_67E5709EF98B.label = 93 panorama_E4C3AEC1_F0E5_86FC_41E3_28DE9EC3E178.label = 97 ## Action ### URL LinkBehaviour_E4C3B819_F164_898C_41E7_0E2C73E7047A.source = www.planet360bd.com