#: locale=en ## Tour ### Description tour.description = We are committed to provide the quality food and service located at the lake in an exciting atmosphere that is classy and casual. ### Title tour.name = Water Edge Restaurant ## Skin ### Label Label_FC83BCD7_F0EC_8A84_41E3_7D399DCB0B02.text = Restaurant Label_FC888CC7_F0EC_8A84_41E7_03CB3A0067D5.text = Water Edge Label_FEC34900_F0EF_8B7C_41DD_E6DAD6271DE2.text = Developed by Planet 360 BD ## Media ### Title panorama_FA6309D0_F0E4_8A9C_41D9_CD2A76B4CA76.label = 87 panorama_FAB4BF0F_F0E4_8784_41A6_A9ECA6F76A99.label = 88 panorama_FABC8865_F0E4_8984_41CA_D47DA4293828.label = 89 ## Action ### URL LinkBehaviour_FE745D31_F0ED_8B9C_41DA_9656EA0568E0.source = www.planet360bd.com